Discounted Ready-to-Use Stencils

We are doing our best to have new Ready-to-Use stencil designs every week. And, for the first week that the designs are live, they are discounted to 25% off! If we ever have a week that we don't have new designs available, then we'll discount a few designs from our catalog to make up for it. Check back each week to see what's new! 

The discount will show up at checkout

43 products
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Cute Rudolf, Various Sizes
Silk Screen Rudolf Christmas Design Stencil

Cute Rudolf, Various Sizes

Christmas Labels, 8.5"x11"
DIY Screen Printing Christmas Labels Design Stencil

Christmas Labels, 8.5"x11"

Let It Snow, 8.5"x11"
Let It Snow Christmas Design Silk Screen Print Stencil

Let It Snow, 8.5"x11"

Christmas Doodle 1
Christmas Doodle Pattern Ceramic Silkscreen Stencil

Christmas Doodle 1

Christmas Doodle 2
Christmas Doodle Pattern Ceramic Silkscreen Stencil

Christmas Doodle 2

Snowflake Pattern 1, 8.5"x11"
Christmas Holiday Snowflake Pattern Silk Screen Design Stencil

Snowflake Pattern 1, 8.5"x11"

Snowflake Pattern 2, Various Sizes
Snowflake Pattern Design Silkscreen Stencil

Snowflake Pattern 2, Various Sizes

Winter Tree Pattern, 8.5"x11"
DIY Silk Screen Print Stencil Festive Winter Tree Pattern Design

Winter Tree Pattern, 8.5"x11"

Folk Art Christmas Pattern, Various Sizes
DIY Silk Screening Stencil, Folk Art Christmas Pattern Design

Folk Art Christmas Pattern, Various Sizes

Doodle Christmas Tree Pattern, Various Sizes
DIY Silk Screen Print Designer Stencil, Doodle Christmas Tree Pattern

Doodle Christmas Tree Pattern, Various Sizes

Winter Woodland Creatures, Various Sizes
Winter Woodland Creatures Pattern Designer Silk Screen Stencil

Winter Woodland Creatures, Various Sizes

Festive Christmas Doodle, 8.5"x11"
DIY Screen Print Stencil Festive Christmas Doodle Design Pattern

Festive Christmas Doodle, 8.5"x11"
